

Thanks for visiting our site!

 We are a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping those in need. We are always searching for new volunteers and interns to join our team because we firmly believe that everyone has the potential to positively impact the world.

Volunteer / Intern

  • Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering or interning with us. For people of all ages and ability levels, we provide a variety of options
  • To join our team, we are always seeking for eager and committed volunteers and interns. Applying is encouraged if you are interested.

Volunteer/Internship oportunity

We offer a variety of volunteer/Intern opportunities that can fit your interests and skills. Some of the tasks that our volunteers help with include: · Helping in Medical Camps on ground · Distributing ration kits at the door step of needy families · Social Media (Like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) Management ·  Public Relation · Photography · Survey · Graphic Designing · Teaching And much more!

Become Volunteer / Intern

Better Hope currently is focused on vivid coverage of Education and Healthcare- performing dismally in India especially during pandemic times. Social investments like education and healthcare need to supersede other areas of concern. The disadvantaged section of society is struggling to provide access to education and health facilities to their families due to loss of earnings/jobs/ earning members/rising inflation (mobiles, laptops, internet, medicines, hospitalization etc.). Following our objective “Learn to Make a Difference”, we raise funds for needy students, ailing patients and poverty-stricken families. Also, we organize medical camps to benefit the rural population in remote areas.

Better Hope Ngo